Advisory Work:
- Advising a number of HNW entrepreneurs and VC's in researching investment opportunities.
- Review of a Royal Warrant shoe manufacturer and retailer, identifying its potential to develop as an International Brand.
- Overview of a multi-channel retailer identifying competitive advantage through strategic alliances with USA.
- Exploring the acquisition of a £80m turnover retail company.
- £50m distressed retail acquisition.
- Consulted on £20m acquisition in the mail order sector.
- EMAP. Advisory Board on specialist magazine publication.
- Advise on a mid-market brewery on disposal.
- Led a fully funded fragrance house possible acquisition.
- Advise on downsizing in a Government organisation on the counselling aspect.
- Previous successful investments have included a farm shops start up retail venture www.fieldersfarmshop.co.uk, successfully sold to a larger operator in the sector, with ongoing investment in an airport car park, business units and a number of pub-restaurants.